Friday, October 28, 2016

My Prince SWAG - Coping

Since his passing, I've preoccupied my time with combing the interwebs for just about anything with Prince's name on it.  Stories, pictures, music, interviews, memorabilia, arts & crafts - anything.  I think it's just another way that I'm trying to cope with the fact that he's no longer here with us, with me.  

I feel like if I spend my idle hours soaking in these small pieces of him, that I can almost imagine what he would say to me about them.  "Don't like that", "this is a most certainly a bootleg", "I remember that day with Myte", "I loved the way I looked in that blue outfit", etc.  

Crazy!  I know, right?  

All this "stuff" somehow keeps me closer to him in some sick, grief-stricken, obsessive twisted way.  I just wanted to take a second to share some of my Prince Swag with you.  Stuff I've collected over the years and in the months after his "transition". (I refuse to say "death" - it's too permanent.  Listen to the song "Comeback" which Prince wrote about the death of his son and you'll have a better understanding of why I won't use that word when referring to the Purple One)


This is just some of the swag I could dig out in the few minutes I had to take the picture, didn't even include a bunch of the cool Prince jewelry I have.

Which includes:
A Prince Hoodie
Various T-Shirts
Various CD's & DVD's
Various Books and Mags
Prince Socks
Prince Shoes (love 'em)
3121 Perfume Spray and
Yep!  ...even a Prince Doll
I even had a Prince calendar years ago, that I can't seem to find now.  Damn it!

I'm 125% sure that Prince would NOT approve of most of this stuff since it's undoubtedly bootleg merch and made without his approval or consent in some sweatshop in Swahili.  But I can't help it.  I love seeing his beautiful face when I wake in the morning and when I go to sleep at night.  Besides, it's my small way of trying to make sure that people don't forget him.  No matter how foolish I may look, I will do what I can to make sure they remember.  He taught me that it's okay if others don't approve - just keep doing you and you can't go wrong.

So if you guys ever come across some unique Prince merchandise (that doesn't cost an arm and a leg), please leave a link.  Thx <3

Peace, Love and Hair Grease!

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